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BCCJ Travel and Tourism Think Tank II - Tourism and Resilience (Covid)
Volume 1: Resilience and Recovery of Tourism Communities
LIVE: How Smart Tourism Can Support the Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Travel Think Tank - The Good, The Bad, The Opportunity
Madrid Think Tank # 11 - POST-PANDEMIC TOURISM
How tourism Japan is adapting to life with COVID, insider interview
Inaka Insight - Paul Christie Interview, Pt. 3
China Outbound Tourism Seminar - How to prepare for the post-virus customers from China?
Travel Geeks online: exploring rural Japan | National Geographic Traveller (UK)
How strategy can help drive travel marketing for businesses in current times.
Inaka Insight: Paul Christie Interview, Pt. 1
THE GREAT RESET: DOWN BUT NOT OUT - Resilient Entrepreneurs in CoVid Times - SESSION 2